Scene inside a jar.  Use frosted paint or glue and crystal glitter to cover all but the "window" of your container.  Add bits inside and trim outside as you like.  You could put a clear candle dish on top (make sure it sits securely!)  and a lit candle will cast light into the jar.  A craft for any season or scene!
Pretty Houses
Upcycling Ideen sind toll! Lust mit Plastikflaschen zu basteln? Hier findest du eine Anleitung für selbstgemachte Kinder Zahnputzbecher.
What I like about this is that I could use some cool fabrics.

10+ super leichte Bastelideen für Weihnachten - Weihnachten basteln - Weihnachten Bastelideen- Weihnachtsschmuck selber machen


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